Shavash Safvati MD Inc.
Shavash Safvati MD
12626 Riverside Dr. Suit 303 North Hollywood CA 91607
Tel: 818.760.2434 Fax: 818.760.8832 safvatimd@sbcglobal.net
Dr. Shavash Safvati has been practicing
medicine for over 20 years. He is a
recognized expert in cosmetic procedures
such as Botox, dermal fillers, laser treatment
and medical weight Management.
Dr. Safvati performs all injectable
procedures such as Botox, Dysport and
Dermal fillers himself to make sure you get
the best possible results.
We Offer all of the latest in laser technology,
and innovative treatments in skin care:
•Botox & Dysport
•Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm,
•Skin Resurfacing
•Laser Skin Tightening
•Laser Hair Removal
•IPL Fotofacial (Rosacea & Sun Damage)
•Silk Peel Microdermabrasion
•Chemical Peels / Vipeel
•Acne Treatments
•Spider Vein Treatment
•Excision of moles, warts & Skin tags
•Medical Weight Management
•Melasma / Pigmentation